Youth Ministry
Good Shepherd values youth and young adults. Beyond their inclusion with the regular activities of the congregation, we have an abundance of programs and events geared towards 6th to 12th graders. Becoming responsible at this age can be challenging, but our programs will set these young people up for success. As this age group continues to grow with life’s questions, we provide opportunities for them not only to learn from but to engage in what the future may bring. Their efforts will accommodate community service hours that they are required to maintain by schools or other clubs. Read More >

"The way to keep young is to keep your faith young." - Luella F. Phelan
Sunday Worship at 9 am and 11 am. Livestreaming of our 9 am service.
Junior High Ministry & Confirmation
This Ministry focuses on 6th, 7th, and 8th-grade children who are planning to be confirmed. Confirmation at Good Shepherd is a 3-year program that is broken down and focuses on a process for development.
6th Grade Class: Meets on Monday evenings and learns about Luther’s Small Catechism.
7th Grade Class: Meets on Monday evenings and spends their time studying the Bible. During the Fall semester, they dedicate the time to the Old Testament. During the Spring semester, we focus on learning about the New Testament.
They conclude with the Witness to the Faith. 8th Grade Class: Meets on Sunday mornings between services and focuses on decision-making and life choices. Each student prepares a 2 to 3 minute speech about their faith and understanding of being a Christian. They present these speeches to the church during a worship service.
High School Ministry
This ministry at Good Shepherd consists of fellowship events, service projects, the ELCA Youth Gathering, and a summer mission trip. Summer trips are an opportunity for students to strengthen friendships, grow in faith, and help others in need. A worship service led by our youth typically takes place in February.
Additional Opportunities
All middle school and high school youth are welcome to volunteer for fellowship activities in Sunday School, help with church events, and assist with Vacation Bible School. These are great additional ministries that they can participate to discover their God-given gifts and share them with the community.